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8 Interesting Facts About Dieticians

Dieticians are individuals who have studied the science of nutrition. Many dieticians have a master's or doctoral degree in nutrition science and conduct research on food safety, eating habits, or the impact of food and nutrition on health.

Dietitians are tasked with the role of supervising, planning and preparing meals to ensure that people such as students, athletes and patients get the right nutrient-rich foods to make them as strong and healthy as possible.

The following are 3 interesting facts you might need to know if you would like to pursue a career in nutrition.

  1. Some nutritionists are also called registered dieticians (RDs).
  2. A registered dietician is a health professional who is trained to provide reliable nutrition advice and care in a variety of settings. They must be licensed or certified to practice in clinical and community settings.
  3. The word dietetics originates from the Greek word diaita, meaning ‘way of life’. From the earliest recorded history, nutrition has been part of the cause, cure and prevention of diseases.
  4. Dietitians are those who translate the science of nutrition into daily advice for health promotion and disease management.
  5. Nutritionists are different from dietitians. Dieticians undergo clinical internships and are equipped to provide medical nutrition advice and therapy for people with nutrition-related diseases.
  6. Dietitians teach, motivate and provide nutrition counselling to patients who need to change their eating behaviour to meet their particular needs. Dieticians empower their patients to make healthier food choices.
  7. Dietitians working in hospitals or healthcare facilities are known as Clinical Dieticians. Community dieticians are those that have an involvement in the community through home visits.
  8. Dietitians play a vital role in providing nutrition support for people who are or at risk of being malnourished. These include patients who are unable to eat orally, require tube feeding and those with difficulties consuming adequate nutrition orally.

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