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SOHLNZ is a company with a strong commitment to creating wellness opportunities focused on individuals, families and work priorities by providing services, programs, products and activities to enhance and add meaning to people’s lives.

Address15 Golden Place
North Island
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Welcome to SohlNZ SOHLNZ is a company with a strong commitment to creating wellness opportunities focused on individuals, families and work priorities by providing services, programs, products and activities to enhance and add meaning to people’s lives. By offering this variety of services SOHLNZ creates opportunities for people to reflect on their lives and determine their future. SOHLNZ Vision: “To inspire self-belief” SOHLNZ Mission: “To reveal the unlimited potential each human has to live a life of infinite possibilities”.
Our Services Include: Life Coaches/Personal Change Consultants are trained consultants working with a variety of skills that support the individuals desire to make lasting and meaningful change in their own lives. SOHL-Coaching services allows the Life Coaches/Personal Change Consultant to develop a respectful relationship that allows the individual to reveal for themselves, from within themselves, their true potential and the infinite possibilities they have to live their lives from the Soul. The Personal Change process can be challenging and demanding with life changing results experienced by those who participate. A SOHL-Coach will work with individuals and focus on the positive aspects of the person; inspiring self-belief and allowing the limiting beliefs of learned experiences from the past to be overcome, opening the mind and heart to a clear vision and acceptance of a life that fulfils all our hopes and dreams. A Powerful Step by Step Process The worldwide phenomenon “The Secret” is popular throughout New Zealand, with people from all walks of life wanting a piece of the wisdom. SOHLNZ has started extremely successful workshops to help people understand “The Secret” on a more detailed level. Based on the laws of attraction, The Secret, a book released in DVD in 2006, looks at ways to control your life, and to get out of it what you want. Tracey Hutching, of SOHLNZ, said “The Secret is like a recipe. You need the right order and quantities to get what you want and desire”. She said many people were excited about the concept, but did not understand how to convert the learning’s into their life. After watching the DVD most people ask “now what”? She said the 4 week or 2 day course breaks down steps outlined in the DVD. “The results speak for themselves” At SOHL we are dedicated to assisting YOU to increase the prosperity in your life by tapping into that limitless flow of abundance that is available to us all.
About SOHLNZ People The philosophical basis on which SOHLNZ operates all of its business and service deliveries is that “Each Human has the Potential to Live a Life of Infinite Possibilities” and the facilitators of SOHLNZ services work with the strengths and attributes of each individual, knowing that once a person is able to tap into their own “self belief” then all things are possible. Standard educational methods enhance what you know and explore what you don’t know. SOHLNZ courses give you access to what you don’t even know that you don’t know. The SOHLNZ method is more like coaching than teaching, more like conversation than lecture. While conventional education methods focus on content (adding facts, rules, or skills to our knowledge), the SOHLNZ method deals with context - the framework(s) in which content can exist Whenever we're limited in life, there is something - a context or framework - that we are blind to and that is holding that limitation in place. SOHLNZ will give you the tools to identify and move through these constraints. Your view of life, your thoughts, your feelings, and your actions, change - and the change is immediate, dramatic, and without effort. It is a breakthrough. SOHLNZ facilitators are considered to be one of the best in the entire workshop and seminar industry. Dynamic and effective, they are committed to producing results for you. SOHLNZ leaders come from a great variety of backgrounds and walks of life. SOHLNZ facilitators are trained to lead group discussions in a way that is engaging, empowering, and produces extraordinary results for all participants. Our facilitators achieve consistently high ratings from participants for both their ability to communicate and the power of the material they present. The men and women who lead SOHLNZ are extensively trained senior program directors of the SOHLNZ Natural Healing and Holistic Life Coach Model. This training program includes 34 weeks of intensive focus followed by 2 years of part-time specialized study, preparation, and practice.

Service Categories
Aromatherapy, Beauty Therapy, Colour Therapy, Connective Tissue Massage, Energy Healing, Life Coaching, Meditation, NLP, Spiritual Healing, Stone Therapy Massage, Swedish Relaxation Massage

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