Chinese Massage is an ancient tradition, being part of Traditional Chinese Medicine. This effective and comprehensive therapy is also closely related to Herbal Medicine, Acupuncture and Acupressure.
Chinese Massage encompasses five related and overlapping treatment components:
Central to all components exists the idea that massage affects the physical body with the Qi body (network of energy) and the mental body (emotions, thoughts and spiritual senses). Chinese Massage primarily focuses on acupoints (Acupuncture) where Qi gathers and can be easily manipulated. Massage techniques are understood to activate and regulate Qi and blood as well as to promote relaxation which eases spasms, increases flexibility and straightens the joints.
Since pain is considered a lack of free flow of Qi and blood, Chinese Massage treatment creates movement and is therefore seen as a powerful treatment for pain relief.
Chinese Massage is almost always given on a couch or a stool. Anmo massage for relaxation aims to give a balanced full body treatment. A session can last up to two hours and is a very deep experience. Tuina massage is for specific health problems and based on the treatment principles, specific techniques are combined to treat the presenting complaint and underlying pattern. Depending upon the type of massage, clients may be lightly clothed or partially uncovered.
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