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Cave of Creation

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Get Well & Stay Well. Relieve stress & anxiety of all kinds help find your inner peace Also Offering Workshops in Energy Transformation and Courses in EFT and Angelic Insight

AddressUpper Hutt
North Island
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Welcome to Cave of Creation The Cave of Creation is the name of the safe place where our life’s journey’s are stored in the crystalline Merkerbah. It is a place of healing & reflection, of wisdom and learning, hence using this name for what you will find here. Each Cave will take you to a different place with keys of learning which can show you how you can experience the wonders of that cave with treatments or teachings that I provide. If you need healing in any way, enter the Cave of Healing.
Crystal Healing Crystals are living, breathing organisms, and like everything else that grows on top of and within the soil, they feed the earth in many ways. We often see their beauty in colour, but there is no scientific doubt about the mineral composition that makes each crystal unique, so much so that without any influcence from us, they grow into the most beautiful natural shapes. Crystal healing is definately not new, you can trace this back centuries and beyond if you choose and so many of us are drawn to them, but don’t know why. It is a scientific fact that crystals magnify and amplify energy and it’s likely that your watch or computer may not work without a quartz crystal being present, many everyday items rely on the quartz crystal, and yet still we regularly fail to see what a ‘piece of rock’ can do for us. One of the most beautiful and powerful structures on this Earth, and we look right through it – quite literally. So what can crystals do for you? They work on four levels: - Mineral Content: as they absorb the mineral content of the earth they grown in, they can contain iron, magnesium, copper etc., which, when placed in direct contact with the body can, over time, subtley and gently transfer to the physical body, (kind of similar to homeopathy type remedies). Energy Vibration: as they naturally hold and emit energy vibrations they can be programmed to draw or amplify the vibrational frequency of the body, which facilitates healing. Colour: The colour of a crystal can have a profound effect on our energy levels in raising or relaxing how we feel and work with our Chakras (energy centres) to balance the body’s energy flow. Shape: The formation a crystal grows important to how it transmits light, energy and information. Working with these four aspects crystals can have a positive, significant affect to your physical, mental, energy and emotional wellbeing. With the treatments I provide they can be placed on or around areas of pain, passed through your enegy field, placed around you in a set geomatric pattern or worked with your Chakras & Meridians to align & distribute your body’s natrual energy flow. This can help you relax, have more energy, give you clarity of thought, relieve pain and restore your body back to it’s natural balance.
EFT EFT has been used in the mainstream for approx 20 years and has it’s roots in TFT (Thought Field Therapy) by Dr Roger Callahan, PhD, and is, without a doubt, the simplest, quickest and most effective healing modality I’ve ever come across. It works with the chinese meridian system and is based on a similar principal to acupuncture – but dont’ panic, there are NO needles (and even if there were, EFT could help with that!) EFT is so easy in fact, that if you haven’t experienced it – I know you won’t believe what you read about it; I didn’t at first either. What’s more – after you’ve been to see me a few times you can do it yourself, which puts you firmly in control of your health & wellbeing. It works by tapping with your fingers on specific meridian points; or in simple terms, lightly tapping areas of your face & hands with your fingers while you think about the problem you want to be free of – and it goes away… and, like I said, you might not believe that much? OK, so you might need to say (to yourself or out loud) what it is you want to be free of, i.e. fear of spiders, anger, giving up smoking or what’s causing you to feel that stress or anxiety, but believe me, applied correctly it does get rid of how you feel about it, and quickly.
Kinesiology / Kinergetics Many consider Kinesiology to be one of the best methods to use to uncover the true underlying causes of health problems that are difficult to find by any other means. So if you have a condition you’ve been wanting to get to the bottom of and are unable to find out – the chances are pretty high that this method will find it. Your body is used as a feedback system whilst applying gentle yet powerful muscle testing techniques, and by this means we identify the underlying cause of what’s troubling you. Using acupressure, touch and light massage to reduce physical & mental pain and tension, and working with nutrition and universal energy, your body is restored back to its’ natural balanced state on all levels, being Mental, Physical, Energetic & Emotional. Without a doubt, Kinesiology & Kinergetics are one of life’s major keys to getting and maintaining excellent health.
Reconnective Healing This healing technique is different than any others you may encounter, including Reiki, Qi Gong, etc. It is of the NEW energy frequencies that are continually evolving. It is of a much higher vibration, but the only way for you to believe this it to experience it for yourself. What’s different about Reconnective Healing is that it stands up to scientific scrutiny as the frequencies appear to work on all levels and, somehow, restructure our cells and DNA to bring about healings, which allows us to heal on higher levels than ever before. Reconnective Healing works in surprising ways, having its’ basis in light, love and information with an intelligence that knows the most appropriate healing for that person at that time. As a practioner, when faciliting this healing I simply allow the energy to flow through, no other intention is involved as it knows where to go & what to do, which can often bring about dramatic results, instantaneously.
Reiki Reiki (pronounded Rey-Ki) is the ‘life force’ or universal energy that is around us all. It is a Japanese technique that has been around for very many years that is passed from Master to student by way of an attunement process. Only a Reiki Master can conduct attunements. Universal Energy is channelled by the chakras in the centre of the hands into the person. Although Reiki is suitable for anything that has an energy vibration, so you can include animals, plants, food, crystals etc. Although the Reiki practioner allows the energy to flow through them, they are like a tube which a light shines through, so it reaches it’s destination exactly as it should. It is a ‘hands on’ treatments as the palms of the hands are lightly placed on areas of the face & body. As a recipient of the Reiki energy you may feel heat or cold or have shivers run through your body. I would say a good 75% of the people I treat fall into the first stages of sleep during the treatment, it’s that relaxing. Reiki can help you find that deep state of relaxation and if you are having trouble sleeping, Reiki is excellent at helping with that. As Reiki treats the whole person it can create many beneficial effects that can be very subtle at first, but as you have regular Reiki treatments you will notice it’s beneficial effects. It is a great aid in promoting recovery from illness or surgery and bringing feelings of wellbeing & security as well as treating pain. Reiki is available to all via the attunement process and there is nothing you have to believe in, it has no religion, simply love. After the first attunement you will able to not only give Reiki to yourself, but to your friends, family & pets. I am a Reiki Master and facilitate both private & group Reiki attunements.

Service Categories
Allergy Testing / Treatments, EFT, Kinesiology, Reconnective Healing, Reiki

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