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Willis Street Physiotherapy

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Expert Physiotherapy Clinic in Central Wellington

AddressLevel 3, 150 Willis Street
North Island
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Welcome to Willis Street Physiotherapy We believe most discomfort, pain and injury (DPI) is slow onset and caused by multiple factors (with the exception of acute, unexpected episodes – such as slipping over and spraining an ankle). Typically, although the pain is first noticed after one particular event, it may just have been ‘the straw that broke the camel’s back’. For example, you may strain your back apparently by bending over to pick up a pencil; but day-to-day postural stresses probably increased your chance of injury. Our approach is to educate the individual on good postural and biomechanical techniques. These reduce the chance of injury with everyday activities, such as sitting, standing, lifting and handling.
Our treatment approach Individually tailored to your requirements. We conduct a thorough assessment of spinal (neck, upper and lower back) posture, range of movement, function and stability, as well as a detailed examination of the site of the injury. We use and recommend the RICEM approach to initially treat injuries. Depending on your individual situation we can offer a range of different techniques including postural advice, soft tissue techniques such as massage, trigger point de-activation, soft tissue releases, mobilisation, manipulation, acupuncture, stretches and strengthening exercises, Pilates and sport-specific rehabilitation. Other techniques including Cranio-Sacral therapy, Visceral Manipulation and Cranio-Sacral therapy for babies are also practiced. Our educational approach has several common themes – because we interact with our everyday environment in similar ways, using similar anatomy and biomechanics.
What to expect Physiotherapy is a healthcare profession specifically focused on managing musculoskeletal discomfort, pain and injury (DPI) conditions. The Willis Street Physiotherapy (WSP) approach is simple.
  • A detailed assessment is undertaken to ascertain the problem and relevant contributing lifestyle factors will be discussed.
  • A physical examination is also performed to determine pain sensitive structures and any biomechanical factors will be identified. You should expect to be undressed sufficiently to allow the examination, but at all times be comfortable in what is happening. You have the right to a chaperone if necessary, you can either bring a friend or our female receptionist can be present.
  • A working diagnosis is then formed, including determining pain sensitive structures and biomechanical contributing factors.
  • The findings are discussed with the patient and a management approach agreed upon.
  • Treatment will often begin by managing the pain response and addressing any factors identified in the assessment process.
Physiotherapists have an array of techniques available. Common treatments may include; manipulation, mobilisation, stretching, acupuncture, strengthening, massage, trigger point work and many more. Treatments will be individualised and directed at returning to full function eg a running programme for a runner. Modern physiotherapists have a ‘hands on’ approach. You should expect to be moved and to take an active role in treatment.

Service Categories
Acupuncture, Craniosacral Therapy, Physiotherapy, Sports Injury Therapy

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