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Key of Life Mysteries

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I am Helen Barnes, Spiritual Teacher, Healer, Channel and Author.

North Island
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- Language of Light Sound Healing - Radical Forgiveness Healing - Relationship Healing - Past Life Healing - Releasing Core Fear Programming - Intuitive Insights Reading - Life Path Coaching - Personal Spiritual Trainer Programme - Spiritual Development Workshops - Sacred Soul Immersion Journeys - Publications (by Helen) for sale: Language of Light Healing Cards Meditations for Spiritual Ascension 1 (CD) Language of Light Activations and Attunements for Spiritual Ascension (CD) Emerging Soul, Secrets to leading a spiritually fulfilled life (Book) Self Realisation, A Journey to the Heart (Book & e-book) For further details on Helen’s healings, readings, coaching, workshops, journeys/retreats and publications, please see summaries below or go to her website A Language of Light Sound Healing Session offers the opportunity to heal old emotional and physical wounds by releasing karma and other energetic discordance bringing all levels of the mental, emotional, spiritual and physical back into alignment and balance. Every cell in your body will dance with joy as the sounds facilitate deep molecular and atomic level changes in your physical and light body. Many report feeling light and joyful after a session. A Radical Forgiveness Session is a powerful healing process that enables us to shift old hurts, resentments and wounds making way for much love and peace in our lives. It is a transformational process and is particularly beneficial for anyone who…. ~suffers from feelings of guilt ~feels inadequate in anyway ~is experiencing a relationship challenge ~has unfinished business with someone ~bears any kind of grudge or resentment ~suffers from a recurring pattern in their life ~feels they are stuck in some issue or issues ~considers themselves a victim of any kind ~has low self esteem ~has suffered abuse of any kind ~has been unable to forgive their parents A Relationship Healing Session assists in releasing old wounding from past relationships as well as addressing current relationship issues and navigation tools for resolving relationship difficulties. Whether it be with spouses/partners, siblings, parents, colleagues or friends, our relationships are the key to self awareness and when we own the gift of healing we receive from our relationships, we receive huge healing gifts - in essence, our nearest and dearest are our healing angels. A Past Life Healing offers the opportunity to look into the unfinished business we are carrying from previous incarnations. So often the key issues presenting in a current incarnation can be related back to previous incarnations where we have brought through the same life lesson, but not managed to complete it in one incarnation. Therefore we bring it in again and again until the learning is completed. Helen uses her Intuitive skills to access your Akashic Records to identify past lives effecting this one and then brings through the Language of Light sound healing energies to clear the imprint from your cellular memory. Releasing Core Fear Programming offers a series of healings to address core fears that have been brought into your current incarnation and which are holding you in limitation. Core fears covered are lack of financial abundance, love, self worth, personal power, trust as well as separation from life purpose, oneness and God. An Intuitive Insights Reading offers channeled information from the divine realms into what is happening and why, together with 'where to from here'. These readings are helpful to those seeking more knowledge about their life purpose and spiritual path. Past life information is often covered to provide deeper understanding of present life situations. Many report benefits from such connections and greater understanding of what seems inexplicable within the framework of 'human reality.' Insights into the process of healing and the release of old patterns are other insights offered through these readings. A Life Path Coaching Session focuses on assisting you to activate your personal power by identifying what beliefs and behaviours are holding you in ‘limitation’ thus freeing the way for you to access more of what lies deep within. In chaotic times we often look for answers and always the answer lies within. I use my intuitive and psychic gifts to bring a new perspective to what is going on in your life and guide you in insightful ways to navigate your way through the mire. Most of us are operating within a very narrow band of awareness and have a far greater potential than we are accessing, let alone utilising. The Personal Spiritual Training Programme is a flexible programme designed specifically to address individual needs. It is suitable for those who are ready to make the shift necessary to ascend with ease and grace. To do this we must master a wholly new way of being where we ‘live’ the truth of our higher consciousness (in the physical realm). The process will encompass both spiritual counseling and energetic healing. Using sound and light healing energies (the Language of Light) your light body will re-awaken to reveal your true divine magnificence and you will learn to live in a completely new empowered way. Spiritual Development Workshops have become an integral part of my work. Focused on the desire to assist those awakening souls to walk in their truth and develop a spiritually sound basis for living in the light, I am pleased to offer a small range of workshops. I have a history of facilitating and training skills which I am able to bring into my spiritual work providing professional and inspiring classes. Working with the energy of the group allows each workshop to unfold in divine perfection. Working in a surrendered way allows for each workshop to take on its own ‘theme’ and produce transformational experiences for participants. Full details of my workshops are found on my website. A Sacred Soul Immersion Journey offers a unique and personal experience that is truly transformational and allows you to immerse yourself and honour your soul in the high frequency vibration and magic of some of the most powerful sacred sights on earth today. It is a very personal soul journey with intense individual teaching and mentoring where you will experience an array of divinely perfect experiences on your pathway to self-realisation including… Initiations, Goddess/Divine Feminine energies, DNA activations, Galactic Light Technologies plus much more. By working in a surrendered way and going with the ‘flow’ you will allow the magic to unfold. Your soul will dance with the unconditional love and joy that comes from such profound work. These journeys offer a unique opportunity for your soul’s evolution. I am delighted to offer Sacred Soul Immersion Journeys to Egypt, Sedona, Peru and Glastonbury, UK as well as retreat journeys to Byron Bay and Norfolk Island. Full details of my journeys and retreats can be found on my website. PUBLICATIONS (BY HELEN) FOR SALE: Language of Light Healing Cards. Enjoy the high vibration and healing energy from Helen's Language of Light Healing Cards. Each card contains Language of Light symbols - encoded in the symbols are the harmonics of the sound frequencies of the Language of Light and by tuning into the symbols, the healing energies are activated to release discordant energies and re-calibrate the molecular structure of the light body. Each card also contains words of wisdom and an affirmation to assist the healing process. Meditations for Spiritual Ascension 1. The meditations on this CD are original recordings by Helen. There are 2 meditations – Connection with your Guides and Angels and Past Lives Healing. Language of Light Activations and Attunements for Spiritual Ascension. On this CD Helen has channeled the Language of Light Sound frequencies as activations and attunements which awaken the divine coding within helping to raise consciousness and re-awaken DNA and wisdom. Emerging Soul, Secrets to leading a spiritually fulfilled life. Helen describes this book as a gift from spirit. Throughout the book she has passed on many of her learnings and experiences so that other emerging souls may also awaken to their truth within and gain much spiritual growth and prosperity. Self Realisation, A Journey to the Heart. Helen describes this book as a journey of consciousness. Not only is there a great deal of wisdom in the words, the energy from them gently leads the reader on a powerful healing journey. It can be considered as a workbook of initiations based on the Spiritual Laws that govern life here on earth. All of Helen’s publications can be purchased directly from her website.

Service Categories
Counselling, Energy Healing, Spiritual Healing

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