Dr Lee works intensively with stroke victims to help them regain movement and speech. He also cites success he had with a Parkinson’s disease patient who, after long-term treatment, was able to regain movement in her arms, neck and back, and eliminate her tremors.
Welcome to Woo Lee Oriental Medicine Centre Ltd The popularity of Oriental medicine, with its systematic approach and clinical effectiveness, is growing rapidly in the West.
Dr Lee works intensively with stroke victims to help them regain movement and speech. He also cites success he had with a Parkinson’s disease patient who, after long-term treatment, was able to regain movement in her arms, neck and back, and eliminate her tremors.
They recently treated the patient who has been suffered mal-movement of extremities and tried all sort of treatments but never been succeed. Also, the patient who has had sciatica that disturbs there normal life so had plan for replacement of it has got better after treatment and they are having normal healthy life without any operation.
They said many people sought there treatments, including those with chronic diseases, high blood pressure, insomnia, arthritis, asthma and thyroid problems that could not solve any treatments in any way clinics.
REVIEWS Case 1: Letter from patient "I was very fortunate to have found Dr Woo Lee PhD. of science in Oriental Medicine when I wad suffering pain and discomfort. I found that Dr Woo Lee was very attentive to my problems and very quickly and efficiently applied healing therapies. These I have found to be long lasting and the need to readdress any problem has not yet occurred. This has been without ingesting medicine, although if he felt I needed to I would wholeheartedly take any prescribed. I would recommend, and do frequently, Dr Woo Lee for any medical problem even when western medicine cannot help. I believe that New Zealand needs to bring Oriental Medicine into recognized medical treatments and allow people like Dr Woo Lee to help those who cannot get relief from the western medical world. Thank you Dr Lee Yours sincerely E***** S***** A very happy patient 26th Feb 2015" Case02: Received one grateful letter from one young lady who could not have baby for 3 years. I feel so happy that can give pleasure to someone with small talent. "Dear Dr Woo We are both so pleased to share our fabulous news with you. without your special care and guidance my life style wouldn't have changed enough for me to finally be pregnant . It has been a long hard 3 years and now with your help it had happened! We are truly blessed! Thank you so much! We are so grateful and are both the happiest parents ever. Love J*** & K***." 결혼 3년이 지나도록 불임으로 인공임신 준비하던 젊은 엄마(31세)가 임신했다고 고마움의 편지를 가져왔다. My way was right! Case03: Torn of calf muscles] Kerxx Witxxxxx male, 71, He has torn calf muscles on his right knee inner parts without any special injury. Took painkiller. Hard to sleep and limping walk with pain. Felt very miserable in his movement. Assumed come from wrong posture of movement on his lifting, digging etc. His tendon has been weaken by his ages and fat of his tummy! His kidney channel blocked by his too much fat on his tummy to his leg! So, let his tendon of kidney channel weak from his leg to his tummy. It was easy to have injury of his calf muscles with small impact. Treatment is opening his kidney channel, at the same time put fire needle on local parts of torn to fix damages of tendons. He feels much better with 1 time treatment. He has to reduce his tummy fats to prevent getting worse more and strengthen his tendon his calf muscles. He has post the result of treatment to me on Facebook! Wish recovering fast! Case04: ★Headache★ Bixx Roxxx 66year old, balloon tummy! Business man constant aching on left rear neck to top head with pulsing and pounding for 2days! Any painkiller doesn't work, feels like break out. Couldn't sleep, drive at all with terrible pain. Reason of problems] Too much thinking and worry of business. Trouble in digestion with wrong diet! After Treatment of Acupuncture) Instantly better! No headache! Can have good sleep, back to normal work! Case05: Riview of G********B in Yellow Pages 07 January 2017 Dr Lee is an amazing practitioner. He does a very thorough examination followed by specific chinese herbs, acupuncture and massage. I went to him several years ago for migraines that I had 5 days a week for 10 years and his treatment got rid of them when nothing else would. I can't recommend him more highly. Case06: ♣Testimonial of treatment of Sciatica ♣ from K****
Dear Dr Woo ...... The sciatica in my left leg was most uncomfortable and after 5 initial treatments followed by a 3 month WOF check, I can now say my problem is all but completely gone. The treatment was non-invasive in fact, reasonably relaxing to the point where I looked forward to my next visit. I have nothing but praise for your oriental medicine practice. I have no hesitation in referring your name to people looking for relief. As you quoted you regularly service your car why not your body..
Thank you Dr Woo.
K**** W***** Case07: Hives, rash with small blister! Aching and burning. Cured with acupuncture! Case08: [Infertility- 42yr old lady] Congratulation beautiful daughter born at her mom 43 yr old, dad 46yr old. Mom and baby healthy. Renxx Mclexx 1975, 43yr old, first baby, 2 times trial IVF failed 2016. She comes to my clinic. When I checked her body, She looks like all good. Good regular period cycle with no pain. She has been doing exercise well like half marathon. Just one thing, She had took contraceptive pills too long period about 6years. It makes her female hormone system degenerated. Her old age has also weak point. Her kidney pulse was very week. After all, she couldn't grow 1 big matured egg well even with IVF. She can have baby after herbal drink and 9 treatments for 3weeks by me. Case09: (66year old man, serious lower back pain that can't hardly move bending, turning, standing, sitting with terrible pain.) Pain all gone after Only having1 time treatment.!!! Case10: [Dizziness, nausea, no energy, hard to walk even 10m distance with lower back and calves pain.] P****** Cha***** 73old male Lots of medications makes him drowsy and no better. After 3 treatments, He feels much better. 80% better, no pain on his back. can walk without pain, not much dizziness, nausea. He felt dizziness as he gets up, lost balance, fell over often. He had circulation problem on his head with blockage on his neck 大椎穴 injured by accident. His shoulder muscle 肩井穴 very solid like stone that is gall bladder channel also blocked with wrong diet eating fatty meat much for his whole life. Open his gall bladder channel and 大椎穴. Case11: Sports injury (shoulder blade pain) Hard to move and turn around his right shoulder with terrible pain injury. Even deep breathing also difficult with throbbing pain. M***** is a National champion of Brazilian Jujitsu in NZ. He is faced to championship competition on coming august this year. He has to build his body and develop the techniques of Jujitsu. He said feel much better and freer after two time treatments. He could also have had good training before coming here today. He was shown his white teeth to me! Happy and pleasure! Case12: Letter from J**** Thank you J****! "Dr Woo I would like to thank you for your treatment yesterday. Feeling well today after an early night. Just letting you know my energy has improved, my energy was on the low since last seeing you 4 weeks ago. I was ready to see you yesterday. Training was as it should be today. Thank you again See you in 3 weeks J****” Case13: I have received a happy call from a senior lady who had back treatment last week Friday. She appreciated me too much for me to help her walking ability. Rosemary Axxxx, age 80, Low Back pain. Come to my clinic urgently supported by her daughter with low back pain. Hard to walk, bend, sit even 5 minutes on chair. Her grand daughter' marriage ceremony shall be held on that Sunday. She has to attend to ceremony, so she needs to fix her back problem as soon as possible in a day. Has been to medical centre. Doctor gave some pain killer but still feel same. Went to physiotherapist, but also couldn't have any treatment because she couldn't get up the bed with back pain. She could have big huge improvement feeling much better after my treatment. She could walk back home without support. She could join, watch happy marriage ceremony of her lovely grand daughter with her family and many guests. Case14: Letter from patient(Lower back problem) Craig, man, 50 ages, farmer truck driver, could not sit 30 minutes, hard to walk & bend with pain. The pain of pins & needles going down to his leg. 21.12.2015 I C**** Gol***** approached Dr. Woo Lee, because I had pins & needles down my legs. I had been to the doctors on several occasions. The doctor could not find the problem and suggested Physio which did not work for me. Dr. W00 Lee was able to treat me for the pins & needles and also suggested better eating habits which was very beneficial. The result of the treatment is that I do not get pins & needles down my legs and I am able to sit for longer periods which are of great benefit as I drive trucks sometimes for long periods of time. One thing I liked in particular was that Mr. Woo Lee was able to see the problem and take steps to improve my health and wellbeing. I found the treatment worth while and I would recommend Dr. Woo Lee to any one whom suffers from similar problems, or any problems requiring treatment. Thank you Dr. Woo Lee" Case15 :  Case16: Letter from patient2 "Thank you! Dear Dr Lee I just wanted to write to you to thank you for what you've done for me. Who would have thought? In early 2014 I was running more than 10km several times a week, and had trekked without problem the Base Camp of Mt Everest. Then in about May I began getting terrible pain in my lower back, right hip and leg. I could not walk for without having to stop because of the pain. I could not turn over in bed without waking up, sitting up and then turning. I could not stand comfortably. My life was pretty miserable. You came recommended to me from some good friends. What great friends they are! I started treatment with you in the later part of 2015. With your treatment I recently completed my very first marathon in July 2015! I am running regularly and running, walking and standing without pain. You truly are a medical miracle worked. I though I would have to live enduring a level of pain for the rest of my days, however because of you this is not so. All of this without any foreign stuff put into my body. No drugs or substances of any sort. Dr Lee my world is much better place because of you. Thank you I wish you all the very best, and look forward to continuing my wellness program with you Warm regards M*** Ove******"
WOO LEE is the resident Acupuncturist
PHONE 849-7700
Woo Lee Oriental Medicine Centre is located in the Rototuna Shopping Centre. Phone (07) 855-2736 or.
Acupuncturist DY LEE 021-230-7257
Phd of science in Oriental medicine KyungHee(경희慶熙) university which is the top of Oriental medicine in Korea
Acupuncturist DY LEE
Bachelor of Acupuncture in Chinese Medicine. BeiJing(북경北京) university of Chinese Medicine.
Service Categories
Acupuncture, Cupping, Energy Healing, Herbalists, Mens Health, Natural Fertility Management, Sports Injury Therapy, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Womens Health