Bringing hope and prosperity where every family can live a better life knowing freedom, optimal health and opportunity in the modern world. Receive a powerful blend of physical, mental|emotional, nutritional and spiritual support.
Reach Aims and Goals in Sports Performance, Business, Professional, Relationships, and your personal growth.
Improve Energy & Drive, Mindset, Children's Health, Healing Arts, Cellular Nutritional technology for Immune Modulation, Repair & Recovery.
Help people align with their core values and know their worth so that they can live their life with maximum significance and opportunity.
Imagine feeling empowered, strong, loving and resourceful ande clear about your way forward.
Growing up in a family of 9 children she learnt early in life how the complexities of family dynamics, environment and stress put pressure on emotional and nutritional wellbeing.
Overcoming various health challenges during her life and excelling in all she puts her efforts into result in numerous 'personal bests' in every aspect of her life. A National Dance Champion, Coach, Certified Kinesiology Pratitioner and Teacher, Colleen understands the struggles and joys that comes with living.
Colleen believes that high quality health isn't a matter of luck - but more about the choices we make.
We live in the best times right now as we can draw on the mix of science, integrated nutritional formulas and traditional methods to look after ourselves for our best potential.
Clinic Balances | Online Courses | Trainer | Public Speaker in Personal Development & Wellbeing
Kinesiology - how it helps you
Identifying the greatest challenges in your life, as the first step to a happier more fulfilling life. Our Muscles are the bio-link between the brain and the body. When challenges happen, even mild stress the muscles will reflect that stress in the central nervous system. Kinesiology is the Science of Movement based on traditional Chinese principles. Kinesiologists non-invasively test the muscles to identify what is the most significant cause that is creating the imbalance within the body/mind. Corrections are made to release the blocks therefore allowing a person’s natural healing ability to transform the challenge.
Kinesiology is a non-invasive treatment where the body’s choice is ALWAYS honoured. The priority of needs to be addressed is communicated by the body’s own innate intelligence. The healing begins when all the parts of your body are re-synchronised and communicating with each other.
Colour Therapy
Colour connects us with all levels of our being, as the soul aspect of ourselves is a vibration of colour and transcends time. The colours indicate what our soul is calling us to put our attention into. As we move further away from what our soul calling is we become 'off-colour'. The high vibrational remedies align all levels of our being to our own pure colour vibration, and into wellness. When different colours are selected and interpreted we can discover more about our unique challenges and bring a new persepctive to how to overcome struggles, self-acceptance and clarity with the way forward. The colours support our physical, emotional and spiritual self.
Soul Power Kinesiology
Feel empowered with the direction of your life and receive balance in your mind, body and perspective with the integration of Colour dynamics, kinesiology, etheric treatments. Step out feeling renewed and reset for the life you need and want to live. A great personal development process while gentle and relaxing.
Switches on your body’s innate ability to accelerate healing. BodyTalk is based on proven principles of energy medicine. A BodyTalk practitioner asks your body a series of "yes" and "no" questions and answers are received through physical responses of the body. These responses determine where ‘energy circuits’ within the body are weakened, stressed, blocked, or broken. It is these circuits that are the ones that need to be synchronised to allow the flow of healthy energy. The rebalancing is done by gentle tapping on the client's head and also on the sternum near the heart. The intention of the cranial tapping is to "wake up the brain" so that it can open pathways between the brain and the other body parts which require repair or balancing. The intention of tapping the chest region is to lock in the memory of these re-connections.
The realignment and resolving begins when all the parts of your body are resynchronized and communicating with each other.
Facelift Kansa Wand
Ayurvedic Kansa Wand facial massage is a deeply relaxing and rejuvenating facelift and has continued to be part of the art of healing for 3000 years or more. This type of massage should be part of a lifestyle and not just an occasional treatment. Deeply releasing stress and tension held in the tissues of the facial muscles, through 'marma' points on the face, allows for restoration of vibrant vitality, hydration and glow. A truely precious and unique treatment for all ages and all stages of life.
Glycan Nutrition - cellular repair & communication
Your body needs the right nutrients that's all there is to it!
Our Food has changed - but the needs of our body has not.
Bridge the nutritional gap with a plant-sourced Glyconutrient, Real Food Vitamin and Mineral, Anti-Oxidant formula all rolled into ONE single product. Make all you eat the most nutritious thing you will eat.
Glyconutrition is safe and validated, innovative nutritional formulas, meal replacements, fat loss systems, sports performance and skin care products that support your body at the cellular level.
Feel and SEE the difference.
90 day Guarantee you will feel a positive difference!
The human body is a miracle -let's give it a chance!
There are trillions of cells in your body, and they communicate with one another. These cells know when they need nourishment, protection, repair and defence.
When cells don’t have the proper nutrition, however, they don’t communicate well. But with the right kind of nourishment, your body can do amazing things. This specific nourishment is called Glyconutrition.
Our range of targeted effortless daily solutions you can ensure you are doing the best for your body everyday. Not only that, at no additional cost, you can be help ensure children around the world receive critical everyday nutrition too.
90 day guaranrtee you'll love our products
WORKSHOPS - learn online and in person
Colleen is a fully trained Teacher and all courses give you valuable credits towards qualifications of Consultant, Instructor, Practitioner and teacher levels.
Would you like to find out more about Kinesiology and how it can support you with self-care for the ups and downs of life?
- care for yourself better -raise your energy and manage stress
- share your learns and skills with family & friends and help each other
- Pets need care and attention too
- Your community needs people skilled to help - think about teaching yourself
Upcoming Kinesiology Courses please register your interest, and Colleen will be in touch and help you find your way.
Touch for Health - Kinesiology
Levels 1, 2,3,4.
Imagine being able to help yourself with everyday situations?
Knowing how to help your family, friends or workmates with stress, pain and general lack of energy is a gift.
Touch of Health courses are ideal for lay people and health practitioners in other fields who can use the workshops to earn professional development credits. If you are thinking of making a new career – start with the skill of kinesiology and learn how the body systems work.
Check out the special prepay offer when you register for all 4 levels.
Upcoming Touch For Health workshops online and in person
please register your interest, and Colleen will be in touch soon.
Colour Therapy – Colour For Life Levels 1, 2 and 3
Deep within we each know ourselves far better than any health professional. Colour helps us access this deep inner knowing which is beyond the conscious mind. In choosing and applying our colours we can access this deep level, raise our self- awareness, restore harmony, enabling the body to resume its normal rhythm and function.
Colour for Life is a gentle and powerful Colour Therapy using 100% natural herbal and gem Unicorn Essences to help you discover and align to your purpose in life, helping you to handle stresses in your life, and remain in an harmonious state.
- Colour therapy can improve your energy.
- Colour therapy can soothe emotions.
- Colour therapy can help you discover and align you to your purpose in life.
Learn colour therapy using the Unicorn Colour Therapy system to help you handle stresses in your life, and keep you in a consistent state of improving physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.
Unicorn essences combine herbs, essential oils, aroma, crystals, platonic solids, stellar energies and phonics, magnifying these colour resonances – a trans-formative tool using nature’s colour.
Unicorn was developed in Australia by Antony Cooper over 20 years ago, and is widely used in Australia, Canada, Germany, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, and USA.
Unicorn harmonises and revitalises different aspects of our physical body and energy field. Every cell and organ in our body resonates to a colour, our emotions and thoughts radiate out as different colours. On a soul level we are a vibration of colour- our spiritual and personality qualities are reflected in our colours.
Upcoming Colour Therapy – Colour for Life workshops please register your interest, and Colleen will be in touch soon.
Other Courses:
Please email for more info and registrations
QUALIFICATION DETAILS Colleen is a Registered Natural Health Practitioner, Qualified Instructor and Trainer of Touch for Health, Colour Therapy, Soul Power Kinesiology and an Instructor Trainer. IKC, ITFHNZ, AHA. IICT Australia/NZ
Service Categories
BodyTalk, Colour Therapy, Energy Healing, Kinesiology, Nutrition, Spiritual Healing, Touch for Health, Weight Loss, Womens Health